5 Reasons You Need a Website Redesign — and What Your Last Designer Didn’t Tell You

When your website was new, it was fast, modern, looked great, and stood out from your competition — and you were likely very happy with it.

Then you got back to work and over time it just got old. There’s no shame in that. It’s perfectly normal, we all get old.

#1 Your Website Is Old (Already)

#1 reason you need a website redesign – your website is old.

Twenty years ago, hardly anyone had a website.

Everyone just got on with their jobs.

But now, almost every business has a website.

And as you already know, having a website is a job in itself.

The problem is:

  • Website design ‘trends’ change all the time.
  • Website technology changes all the time.

How on Earth can you manage to keep up?

A year for a website is like ten years for a person.

You can deny it all you like, but in ten years, you’ve got older.

#2 Your Website Hasn’t Been Maintained

#2 reason you need a website redesign — you didn’t maintain your website (or employ someone to look after it for you).

Once you’ve got a website, it needs to be looked after and cared for.

Like your car.

Or your house.

When was the last time you serviced your car?

Or even washed it?

What about your website?

A website needs to be kept clean.

Things need updating regularly.

From time to time, it needs a new look.

If you don’t maintain your website, you end up here — wanting a new or redesigned website.

#3 Your Business Has Changed

#3 reason you need a website redesign — your business has changed.

Businesses don’t all stay the same.

Even if a business looks the same from the outside, the people working within it change.

Sometimes, something huge happens — like COVID — and businesses are forced to change.

Else they disappear.

And when businesses change (whatever the reason), their websites needs to change too.

Has your business changed?

#4 There’s More Competition

#4 reason you need a website redesign — your competitors have raised the bar.

If you’re in a successful niche, you’ve got competition.

You can’t ignore them.

You can’t stand still.

You have to stay ahead.

But if your competition start leaving you behind, you need to up your game.

If they get a new site and it leaves your mouth hanging wide open…

Maybe it’s time for a redesign.

#5 You Just Don’t Like It

#5 reason you need a website redesign — you’re bored of your site.

People say they don’t like change.


Why do we change our perfectly good cars and buy new ones?

Why do we redecorate our houses?

Or buy completely new clothes?

We get bored and we want a change.

It makes us feel good.

Is that why you want to redesign your website?


There are lots of reasons to redesign your website.

Some reasons force you into it, others are by your own choosing.

Whichever way, don’t think it’s going to be easy.

Give yourself plenty of time.

There are so many parts of your business that rely on your website.

Can you list them all?

Before you lift a finger, think it through.

  • Ask your colleagues and teams how they use your website
  • Ask them what they do/don’t like about it
  • Get feedback from your customers
  • Do some usability testing

And absolutely, definitely, don’t do anything at all until you’ve read this.